Feel like returning to home full of dust and spiders' web.
I will need some time to fully clean up the whole blog's template...
But the thing that upset me the most is my inability to write and express what I think instantly like I was able to do. Either in Thai or English, my novel writing skill is rusted...
For the time being, I will write whatever I like to keep and hope for my skill's improvement.
It has been three years since I came back from Japan. For better or worse, I have faced anxiety, worry and frustration in my life. On the other hand, I also encountered new experience, feeling and friends. Happiness and Sadness always come and go like the sound of the wind whispering to the trees. They exists to tell you nothing is eternal and teach you to cherish every moments in life............ Sooooooooo, I am not going to rumble about bad things happened and let it go... LET IT GO oops not that song....
I am now living with my grandma, sister and my two sons (see pics below). Let say my life now is fun and many interesting things tend to cross my way which made me frustrated sometimes. But it's worth the time and effort used to conquer them tee hee....

My adorable son, Pudding:
a 3 years old rottweiler.
He's shy, cute and coward...
Hope he get bigger ///
My renegade son, Pie:
a 2 years old staffordshire terrier.
playful and love to play rough...
But he does it out of love ^^
There are more stories I want to write about ... but I will reserve it for next time. (Cause I am sleepyyyyy now.)
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